Thursday, April 30, 2015


Hello and welcome to my museum. As you already know, it is called The Entire History of Me. In case you were unclear about the subject material, it's going to be about me. Does that sound a little egotistical? Maybe. In fact, yes, yes it does. But that's okay. I want it to feel that way. Because this time, it's all about me.

Now, this museum is not a biography. If I wanted a biography, I would have written one. What this is is a reflection on the last four years of my life. So perhaps "Entire History" is a bit of a misnomer, but I feel like these past four years have been a culmination of where I've been for the eighteen years before that. Maybe that goes without saying, but now I've said it and nobody can stop me, so there's that.

These aren't events. Or at least, not events in a biographic sense. In a way, events aren't much of anything. It's just stuff happening. It's not important when stuff happens. It's important what we take away from the stuff that happens. The way you feel after an event. Because a thing could happen, and it could be the most profound thing that ever happened and that's just a record-able fact that it was super profound, but if you walked away from it feeling not profound, then to you, it wasn't profound. You didn't take anything from it.

I find, however, that the opposite circumstance to the one above is always the more common: It was just an event. Or an object. Objects are like events in the sense that they only matter in what you take away from them (on an existential level, obviously because objects usually are a thing that matter even if you don't feel anything particularly about them). So this is my museum. My history. Of things and events that mattered very much to me. That lead to me.

It's an eclectic bunch. It's a little slapdash and a little odd and all me, because that is who I have always been. And it's who I like being. And it's who I may never get to be again.

Thank you for your time.


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